

Prepare your child for kindergarten & more

Our curriculum is focused on providing your child with a solid foundation in the academic skills needed for kindergarten and beyond. Our preschool curriculum is framed by the Pinnacle Curriculum, a nationally-recognized, researched-based program that supports your child in developing in all of those domains needed for school. We supplement this curricular framework with proprietary brain-based experiences, developed by early education experts to provide for optimal brain development.

Research tells us that children’s brains develop best when they have active experiences in:

  • Critical thinking
  • Movement
  • Language development
  • Relationship building (social-emotional experiences)
  • Sensory exploration

Your preschooler will enjoy an engaging learning environment specially designed to promote all of these in a way that make learning fun. Interactive spaces, brain-based learning opportunities, and caring teachers come together to build a solid learning foundation for your child.

Kids Learn & Care Preschool Program’s Developmental Goals

  • Social-emotional development
  • Promote sense of self
  • Encourage responsibility for self and others
  • Encourage social behavior
  • Physical development
  • Promote gross motor skills
  • Promote fine motor skills
  • Cognitive development
  • Promote learning and problem solving skills
  • Encourage logical thinking
  • Promote representational and symbolical thinking
  • Language development
  • Develop listening and speaking skills
  • Develop reading and writing skills